Ananya Madhur
Hello, I’m Ananya, a 23-year-old from Mumbai, India. I have a passion for adventure, connecting with people from diverse cultures, and immersing myself in the beauty of our world and nature. My love for the ocean blossomed when I experienced scuba diving in Indonesia, and since then, I’ve been captivated by the underwater world. As an avid reader, I’ve delved into news about coral reefs and ocean conservation, inspiring me to contribute my part in safeguarding the ocean. In my everyday life, I work as a UX Designer.
Volunteer work for OceanLove: Social Media and Website
Field of study: UX Design
Achievement: I completed my university degree in 2022 and spent the last two years working at an ed-tech company in Amsterdam. Now, I’m embarking on a new chapter in my professional journey.
‘Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times i fell down and got back up again’ –
Nelson Mandela